Sunday, October 24, 2010

He's Seven!

In just over a week "E" will be seven years old.  I won't go on and on about how I can't believe he is already seven and how quickly time has flown.  Instead, I'll celebrate who "E" is as a seven year old.  He is a happy kid, who almost always has a smile or giggle....or better yet, something up his sleeve.  He is a bit of a bookworn but also LOVES his friends.  I think friends are probably one of the most important things to him right now.  He loves school and hates to miss a single minute....probably because his friends are there.  He gets along really well with his younger brother and looks out for him all the time.  "E" is starting to enjoy basketball but doesn't score many baskets, yet.  He doesn't want to take the ball away from anyone.  That just wouldn't be nice.  He definitely got his hair from my Mom's side of the family.  His favorite food (other than anything sweet) is sandwiches.  Any kind of sandwich really is just fine with him.  At seven years old, he has only lost one tooth.  One.  We're anxiously waiting for a few more to come out so his bank account can catch up with some of his friends.  His just seem to be really stubborn.  I don't think the tooth fairy minds.  She probably enjoying the interest she's collecting on his funds.  "E" loves the water and anything related to it.  He holds nothing back tubing behind a boat or trying to water ski.  I actually love to take him shopping with me.  He takes an interest in what I wear and actually gives me his opinion from time to time.  Usually he has pretty good taste.  He is caring and loving and enjoys a good cuddle every now and then.  That's my "E" at seven years old.

"T" came along so I could snap a few of them together.  He is still four....oh, my apologies....four and a half!

This is what happens when my husband comes along.  Things get a little out of control!
I realized that for "T", a smile is a full body experience.  Or any facial expression at all....he has many of themn.


darla said...

They're adorable!

JAK said...

These pictures are amazing! Your boys are beyond handsome.