Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Ones I Meant to Take!

I had it all planned....we would stop at an intersection near my parents place, with an old grain elevator, graffiti and a railroad track. As we were driving out of the city, I noticed that the sky was very gray and hazy in the distance. It was either raining or snowing. I figured "E" wouldn't be too keen on photos in those conditions so we pulled over at the first service road to snap some photos along the railroad track while the weather was still bearable. It just so happened that a nearby farmer had a lovely antique blue truck parked on the edge of his field. I didn't think he...or she, would mind if we made use of it. By the way, it is for sale. I have the license plate number if you are interested.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Didn't Mean to Shoot Him!

...but I'm glad I did! We were headed to my parents' place for Thanksgiving and on a whim I decided we should stop and take photos of "E" because he will be turning 6 soon. We found this old truck on the side of the road and as soon as "T" noticed it he was begging to have his picture taken with it too. It's not often, pretty much never, that "T" wants to be in front of the camera so we went with the moment. He was surprisingly cooperative and actually looked right at me. I was pleasantly surprised with some nice pictures I had not meant to shoot!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

An (cool) Evening in the Park

I felt bad. I met "L" and "K" at the park yesterday evening. They were wearing short sleeves and I was wearing my winter jacket. I must be wimpy. It actually turned out to be a beautiful evening. Although the leaves have not really started to change color yet, the flowers, especially the pots of Mums, were perfect! Here are a few of my favorites...