Saturday, May 31, 2008

The "F" Family

What a beautiful summer morning in the park! I was really wondering how this morning would turn out when the rain started. Thankfully it ended quickly and we had a perfect day. These pictures are just a tiny glimpse of our morning. It was such a pleasure to work with this family...who all seemed to get along so well!

Monday, May 26, 2008


After postponing this family session twice because of snow (in May), we finally had an afternoon with no rain, no snow, just a little wind and just right right amount of cloud cover. We had a great afternoon exploring some interesting and not so clean parts of the city. Please make sure you notice the fabulous red shoes! I think I need to go but a pair now too!

I had to post at least one of the Harley...and the good looking couple!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lazy Summer Days

This photo session was like a perfect lazy summer afternoon! We spend our time in the back yard picking dandelions, smelling the tulips, chasing the cat and licking lollipops. Everything was perfect including my subject, Mr. J! He was exactly 18 months old and his big blue eyes completely melted my heart. How could you say "no" to this little face!?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Baby "N"

If I had to give an award to the most expressive baby I think Baby "N" would definitely win! She kept me smiling all afternoon with her cute expressions and even the odd smile. Talking about awards...I think she should also receive one for the most beautiful reddish-orange hair. What a little beauty...see for yourself!

Who's cute?!? She knows the answer!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Grad 2008

What a perfect morning!!! The sun was shining, it was finally getting warmer and the wind was rather calm for a change! This beautiful grad really topped everything off. She truly was gorgeous both inside and out. I enjoyed her fun-loving spirit and sense of humor. This is just a glimpse of our morning. Enjoy!

...and it was just our luck that a whole group of firefighters just happened to be passing by. So nice of them to stop and help.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Custom Designs

I have had to postpone a few sessions lately because of SNOW (rather depressing in May)! So I decided to post a few custom designs. My interest in photography really grew out of my passion to design and create. Below are just a few of the collages, cards, announcements, invitations and projects I have done over the last while.

A tri-fold card - the card is a 5x5 square when it is folded twice. These are one of my favorites to design!
...the outside

...the inside