Friday, December 16, 2016

The "B" Family

I felt incredibly honored to be able to photograph the "B" family on the day of their special Christmas celebration.  I've known this family for many years and spent a fair bit of time hanging out with the three boys when they were younger, as their babysitter.  We figured it was at least 20 years ago and now they are all grown up and have kids of their own.  I have such fond memories of fun times spent playing floor hockey, reading stories and exploring outside.  I have not-so-fond memories of being chased by a dead mouse but I've gotten over that by now.....almost!  It was so great to spend time with the new kids in the family.  They were equally as fun as their Dads were when they were younger!  My favorite moment was when all the kids were gathered round the tree, looking at the presents and wondering which one would be for them.  The sweetest part was that "C" brought gifts of his own to give.  Things from his home that he wrapped up in brown paper bags and carefully labelled with a crayon.  It is so special to see Christmas through the eyes of a child!  Thanks for letting me spend such a great morning with you.....and for leaving the dead mice outside!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The "M" Family

I have to say that this family has been keeping me hopping this fall!  We started with newborn photos, then we did engagement photos and with all these big events a complete family photo was also in order.  A large fireplace seemed like the perfect backdrop for a fall afternoon.  The newest additions to the family have a very significant height difference and everyone was happy to point that out to "L".  He will fit in just fine though and his future mother in law is quite thrilled that he loves volleyball almost as much she does.  Baby "C" is on the other end of the height spectrum...for now....but I'm sure that volleyball will be in his future if his Grandma has anything to say about it.  Congratulations on your latest additions!  

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The "P" Family

I have worked with the "P" family a number of times before and I always have a great time!  This time was no exception.  We booked this session quite a while in advance and never would have thought that outdoor photos would have been an option with sunshine and plus 15 temperatures!  Nevertheless, this indoor location served our purposes perfectly!  I love how individual personalities came through as we took the pictures.  We talked about needles, badminton, procedural writing, Grade two, preschool, what cows say, Star Wars, socks, glue and perfectly iced pumpkin cookies with blue gummy eyes!  Grandma "P" truly thought of everything in her bucket of tricks and was even willing to go along with her oldest grandson's Star Wars antics.  It was so great to work with you again and meet the newest member of your family.