Sunday, December 16, 2007

Santa Baby

They say that the best gifts come in small packages! One look at this little baby and you see just how true that is.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Baby "Z" and the girls

This little guy was incredible! He was just so happy and content. Maybe it was because he has such great sisters. He just went with the flow...playing football, soccer, volleyball and even became a dinosaur!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


I had such a great morning with this expectant Mommy & Daddy. They kept me laughing the entire session. It was so neat to see how excited they were for this next stage of life. She definitely had that expectant Mom"glow".
Check out the beautiful quilt the grandma-to-be made for the baby. Quite impressive!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Baby "A"

It really is such a priviledge to be able to photograph little newborns. I love seeing the new parents and how incredibly in awe they are of their new little treasure! This new Mom & Dad were so proud of their beautiful little daughter and seemed to work so well as a Mommy & Daddy team! It was such a treat to work with their little baby. Check out the head full of dark hair...I love it!!!!

I asked Daddy "J" to swaddle his little daughter in a blanket. I'd have to say that this is one mean swaddle...I think the best I've seen! Quite impressive for a new Daddy!

This beautiful buffet originally belonged to Baby "A's" great grandmother. It seemed like the perfect place for a photo.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The "W" Family

I spent an afternoon this weekend taking some pictures for my girlfriend from high school and her family. It was a little chilly outside but the kids were such troopers and did a fabulous job! Of course, everyone was totally coordinated...right down to the shoes!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The "K" Family

I took pictures for this family when their "baby" was 3 months old. Now "L" was one year old and boy had she changed. She had blonde hair instead of brown and was walking everywhere. "L" and her family all got along so well and it was a pleasure to spend the morning with them. Here are some of my picks...

Monday, October 8, 2007

Baby "D"

This little guy was actually at least 6 weeks old. He was born a little early and his due date was the day of his photo session. Really, every little baby is pretty much perfect and this little guy was definitely no exception!!! I didn't think he would be too fond of the whole guitar idea but amazingly he fell asleep on it within seconds. Talk about easy going!!!!