Monday, January 28, 2013

I know....It's Been Way Too Long!

I have some regular blog followers who have been giving me a hard time about my last of posts as of late.  And yes, I'll be the first to admit that this blog has been rather quiet lately.  I have however, enjoyed lots of time with family and some quiet time to myself.  Even though things over here on the blog have been quiet I have still been busy designing cards, albums, wedding invitations and collages.  I'll try to share some sample shortly as I'm really excited about some of the new products I've been working with.  Here is a quick session I did with my boys so we could have a Christmas card this year.  I did everyone else's photos and then realized I should probably do something for our family too.  We kept things really simple and quick and squeezed this session in between the boys' basketball games.