Friday, December 23, 2011

Look Who Arrived at our Door!

Happy Holidays!  After several weeks at the computer, creating cards, placing orders and editing, I'm looking forward to a break with my family.  Our first official day of holidays started off with a knock at the door.  "T" opened the door to find Santa!  He came with a sack full of presents, some kind words and a few "ho ho's".  Santa did give himself away when he had the boys sit on his lap for a photo and he called "T",
Po-tait-to!  The tooth fairy is also set to arrive this evening so it's been a great start to the Christmas holidays!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


The "A" Family will be adding 2 feet to their home in the new year!  It was great to see "J" and her family again.  "T" definitely made my day.  He has the best, witty comebacks and was full of fun!  All the best as you wait for your new arrival!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The "T" Family

It was great to see the "T" family again....all decked out for the holidays!  Our morning was full of puppets, guitar hero, fish crackers, playing catch, christmas trees a quick music recital and lots of smiles.  Enjoy your sneak peek!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"New Bee" Arrives

I met "New Bee" this week and for those of you who follow my was a boy!  The perfect little brother for "D".  Daddy Bee has been busy lately, looking after his family.....including making sure everyone had something to wear for their photo session.  The proud Dad admitted to me that he went shopping for something for new baby "G" to wear for his photos.  I must commend him because he did a great job!   Baby "G" seemed to enjoy his first photo session, so much that he didn't want to miss a minute by drifting off to sleep!   Congratulations on your new arrival....he really is perfect!