Monday, September 28, 2009

The "W" Family

I spent a lovely morning with my friends, the "W" Family. I've know them for years as "L" and I have worked very closely as collegues for quite a long time. They have a beautiful yard in the country....quite perfect for photos. The big open fields, red barn (or shop), wood pile and tire swing were all perfect photo spots. Here are a few of my favorites...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Soul Sisters

This photo session was all about two little girls who love playing, sharing secrets, being silly, giggling and just being together. "K" and "M" were lots of fun and really made this session their own. I love her smile with the two front teeth missing!

The girls brought along some beautiful colored scarves which were a gift from their uncle who had been to Moroco. I came up with this as an idea for a photo with them...

But the girls came up with this......

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Under Construction!

I spent a lovely evening downtown with "H", who is expecting her first baby in a few weeks! It did seem as though all the "interesting" characters where out and about last night and needed to introduce themselves to us. It was probably "H's" stunning wardrobe that caught their attention. It certainly caught mine! I think she wins the award for the cutest maternity t-shirts. I almost want to be pregnant again just so I can buy the same t-shirt. Almost.