Sunday, May 2, 2010

I'm back.....for a Birthday Shoot!

As you may have noticed, I've taken a bit of a break. During the break I took a little family holiday, got over pnemonia, did some shopping and redid a bathroom. My first session back was with "L" and her family. She will be one soon, and so some cake and a candle were in order. I'm not really sure what she thought about the cake but I think that lollipops are at the top of her list of favorite foods. I also must add that "L" does the best monkey impression ever. I'm not sure who taught her but it really was incredibly cute and quite impressive! Here are just a few photos from our session....

....a shot during the monkey impression.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Great pictures of L and her family. I'm so jealous. She never does the monkey for me! Great job with the icing too!