Monday, May 3, 2010

It Was Meant to Be

This photo session was definitely meant to be. The weather forecast for this past weekend was pretty much miserable. We changed our plans for this session and decided to head to the Forks so that we had some indoor options. Saturday started out just as predicted, wet, windy and yucky. But at about exactly 5pm (right when I meant "X" and his family) the clouds parted, the sun came out, and it turned out to be a perfect evening. There was just something about these two little gentlement that made me love them instantly. Maybe it was the perfectly, large brown eyes with the most amazing eyelashes to go with them, maybe it was the sweet little smile, maybe it was the cool Harley Davison jacket, maybe the whispy curls, maybe the great sense of humor. Whatever it was, they pretty much had me at their command. We played tag, chased down the river bank to see some ducks, raced down a path (somehow I was always second) and climbed big stone structures. Thanks for a perfect evening! Here are just a few of my favorites....

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