Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Better Late Than Never!

After ironing out some blog issues, I'm finally back with lots of Christmas photos.  I know you're already all thinking about Valentine's Day but I figured it was better late than never!  This year our boys decided they would make gifts for each other instead of purchase something.  "T" received a giraffe sculpturem which "E" created entirely on his own!

 "E" received a bed for his Zhu-zhu pet.  "T" did not make this entirely on his own....but he was still thrilled to give it.

 The biggest hit this year were definitely the Mario and Luigi costumes I picked up just before Halloween.  I think they wore them everyday throughout the holidays.

 ......the aftermath on Christmas morning!


Me and my boys....please excuse the bedhead.


darla said...

Lovely! Love the one of you and the boys!

Anne said...

Ohhh I get so mushy by those kids on mario and luigi costumes, so cute!