Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Baby I"

Baby "I" stopped by this week for his 6 month photos.  His Mom and I go way back to my high school days so it was great to catch up and meet her new little man!  He definitely made a great first impression.  He was content, smiled and was certainly a charmer.  I love how laid back and relaxed he seemed to be.  In fact, as soon as he lay on his back he put his arms right behind his head and appeared to be ready to chill.  Very cute!

 I had to include this picture as I can only imagine which rock song he is belting out.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! He's a cutie. Great pics!


Jillayne said...

He is so adorable!!! I am not just saying that because he's my nephew either!! Great pics Leanne!