Sunday, April 5, 2009

Technical Difficulties

I have been having some technical difficulties with my blog lately which is why things have been rather quiet here. I'm not actually sure if this post will work. If you have a moment to leave a comment I'd greatly appreciate it so I know whether things are working or not.

The following photos are from out spring holiday. We had a great time away! We enjoyed swimming and waterslides, shopping, rides and roller coasters, eating out and more shopping!

I'd tried to used the panning technique for this photo. I've never really had a lot of success with it but it actually worked out alright this time.

I was a little unsure about the whole bumper car experience. Especially while Mr. T had this expression pasted across his face before the ride even started. Later, when I asked him why he looked so sad, he explained that he was sad because he car wouldn't go.

Once he got going and bumped into his first victum, a huge smile broke out across his face and I knew it was all going to be okay!


...and this is what the guys do when they go shopping together. Got to hand it to my husband he knows how to pick the right stores to shop in.


Anonymous said...

It worked..
and it looks like you guys had fun!

Heather :) said...

Great pictures! I love checking out your blog from time to do amazing work!

Connie said...

Great pictures! As always. Hannah and I both enjoyed the last one!!