Saturday, July 12, 2008

Summer....Sweet, Sweet Summer!

I have to admit that I was a little bit nervous about our holidays before we left. How would we keep our youngest little monkey contained to our camping site? How would the boys sleep, or would they, in our trailer? What would the weather be like? Well...everything was absolutely wonderful! I purchased a glow-in-the-dark rope before we left and used it as a boundary around our site. It generally worked quite well to keep everyone under our watchful eye! The weather was pretty much perfect and we had a great time. It was actually rather nice to set down the camera...for a few days. I enjoyed capturing some of our memories and our boys have already enjoyed looking at our pictures and remembering the great times we had!

This was my first attempt at photographing fireworks. I'll be the first to admit that I really should have used a can't bring everything on a holiday though!

This picture just kind of happened as I was snapping some photos of my son climbing all over my sister-in-law's dog. The dog really was being my little guy's best friend and now he has his Christmas card photo all set to go too!

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