Monday, September 30, 2013

I Don't Know When to Stop!!

I realized that when it comes to this family, I just don't know when to stop snapping my shutter!  I got home after this session and had more than 1000 photos to sort through and at least 50 I wanted to post on my blog.  Needless to say, this gang was once again, amazing!!!  I love the families I get to see regularly and these kids are always so great!  We found some bright and colourful backdrops at the Forks.  "T" was the main focus of the session as he will be turning 5 this weekend!  And I think he is quite excited about it all.  Well, especially the cake!  From what I understand it will be chocolate, with chocolate filling, chocolate icing and chocolate sprinkles.  Oh, and his favourite thing to drink?  Chocolate milk!  Happy Birthday, "T"!

"T's" theme for his birthday this year is Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  "T" was a cute bullfighter for his 4th birthday last year, but I thought he made an even cuter pirate!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

...the rest of the gang!

Princess "E" also brought along the rest of her family for a few photos at the nearby park.  Thankfully the very windy day turned out to be just a bit less windy....but not much!  Thanks to some significant doses of hairspray everyone remained looking great!  I knew "E" was a princess from the moment I met her but it was definitely confirmed once her grandparents and aunt showed up.  She truly was the center of attention.  I just wish I had a second camera recording their expressions and oohs and aah as she smiled in front of my camera.  It was clear that everyone was very taken with her.  And once again, she was the most happy child imaginable! 

"E's" Mom is a Disney lover so the Tiger costume was a must!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Princess "E"

At 8 months old, Princess "E", is really the happiest,  most content little girl I have ever met!  She was full of smiles the entire evening long.  And she certainly was a princess!  Her parents were clearly very taken with her....and that is not surprising once you meet her!