Friday, September 10, 2010

A Happy Memory!

It feels like summer is just a happy memory now.  I'm looking out my window and seeing grey skies, rain and wind.  My house is quiet because "E" is back at school and I'm missing summer.  If I had to describe our summer with one word, it would be, FULL.  I'm not complaining because we planned it that way and everything about it was good.  We're definitely happy to be at home now and I'm looking forward to finally sharing some of our summer memories here on my blog. 
This post is of just one of our great memories from the summer.....Lake Bronson.  We spent several days with our friends J&N and their 3 daughters on the lake, hunting raccoons and playing in the sand.  "E" in particular, LOVED the water and enjoyed every minute in the boat, behind it or in the water.  He loved GTing this winter with J&N and seemed to love tubing just as much.  I couldn't believe the little dare devil he was. 

1 comment:

Natasha said...

These are great memories. What a fun camping trip!