Sunday, June 23, 2013

Girls, Heat & Humidity!

Wow!  Even though the temperature this past Saturday was not that warm the humidity sure was high.  The "F" Family were so great and made the best of a sticky morning.  It was so nice to see all of them again.  I was so struck by all the little girl cousins and how they all just loved being together.  Such a gift! 

 The youngest member of the family...too cute!

 Her sister, "O".

 A picture without a smile can be harder to capture than one with.  I love "O's" expression on this picture!  I didn't last for long though.  Soon we got this....
 ...and then this, which is pretty great too!

 All the grandaughters with their Grandma. sweet! beautiful!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Pea in the Pod

It was so great to see "T & N" as well as "E"!  I took their wedding pictures a few years back and it was so exciting to be able to also capture this next big event as well!  The session felt like I was just spending a morning with a matter of fact, poor "T" was very patient, all posed and in position, as "N" and I chatted!  Can't wait to hear the news when your little peanut arrives! 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Well, we thought the rain would go away just in time for a session this past Sunday...but it didn't!  I have to hand it to this family though, they were such great sports!  We really made the best of the soggy weather and found some beautiful spots.  Even though we got wet, no one seemed to mind.  I was extra impressed considering that a few people in this family have natural curl which goes crazy in this kind of weather....I speak from experience!  Thank you for once again being such a pleasure to work with.  Everytime I see you I'm so impressed with your kids and how fun they are to work with.  The wet weather was worth it!