Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Brown-Eyed Geese Chaser

It was great to see "I" again.  This time it was for his one year old photos.  I was once again struck by his amazing dark brown eyes!  We spent a great morning at the park, chasing soccer balls, dinosaurs, fish, cats and GEESE!  I was amazed at how fearless "I" seemed to be when it came to the geese.  He obviously has more of an appreciation for them than I do!

 Apparently his soccer ball is his most prized poccession.....maybe this is the next Beckham!

 I LOVE the reflection of his hands in this shot!

 Who just turned one!  "I" did!

Monday, July 25, 2011

And the Winner is.....

For the past few years, I've donated a prize package to a silent auction in support of Operation Christmas Child.  The silent auction is a part of the annual Rosenort Festival.  This photo session was for last year's winner.  I spent a lovely morning out in Rosenort, exploring the river trail (which I had never been down before) and meeting some new friends.  Thanks for a lovely morning.  It really was perfect!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The "B" Family

I am quite certain the "B" family endured the hottest, most humid day of the summer so far.  Thankfully there was a bit of a wind making the heat a little more managable.  I'm so glad we were able to do these photos while your family was all together.   Enjoy the sneak peek!